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Getting Started in Cloud CTF


This article details how to register for a CTF and choose your team setup.

If your CTF is offered through a Cyber Range course, follow the Private CTF Environment section.

If your CTF offers public registration (for example, if you were provided a direct URL to the CTF), follow the Public CTF Environment section.

Private CTF Environment

In order to begin in a private CTF environment, students must first join their course within the U.S. Cyber Range. More information on joining a course can be found in the article titled How to Join a Course.

  1. Once in the course, select Cloud CTF from the list of exercise environments.

  2. Select the "Join" button for the Cloud CTF environment. This will open another browser tab for the CTF.

    Once inside your course, underneath the details section, select the join button to open up Cloud CTF in another tab of your browser.

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete CTF sign-up.

Public CTF Environment


Public registration is not supported in every CTF. Please contact the CTF admin if you believe there is an issue with your CTF's registration. A CTF admin should refer to the article titled Player Can't Login to a Public CTF for further information.

  1. Using a link for public CTF registration, you will be directed to the following page:

    Here, underneath the dates of your Cloud CTF, in the middle of the screen, you can click the enter button to join a team and begin the competition.

  2. Select "Enter" and you will sign in to one of the given account providers. Once authenticated, you will be given the following play options:

    After clicking the start button, ordered in a descending list, you can click on play solo, join a team, or create a team.

    Select the option you would like to compete in:

    • Play Solo: Play by yourself
    • Join a Team: Join an existing team with the Team Leader's permission
    • Create a Team: Start a new team that other's can join to compete together


    If the CTF admin has disabled the Allow players to change teams option, players will only be able to view the Play solo option. Please refer to the section titled Allow/Disallow Players to Change Team Name for more information.

  3. Choosing the solo option will direct you to the CTF homepage where you can begin participating in the CTF. It is important to note that choosing to play solo prevents you from having teammates for the duration of the CTF.

  4. If choosing to join a team, you will be given a drop-down menu of team options to choose from:

    To join a team, please select a team name from the dropdown menu, which is above the cancel and join buttons.

  5. Select the team you would like to join. Once you have selected your chosen team, the Team Leader will have to accept you before you begin to participate.

  6. If you choose to create a team, this page will allow you to make a team name. Type your team name and enter.

    To create a team, please type in your team name and click on the create button, which is to the right of the cancel button.

  7. Once you have chosen your team configuration, you will be directed to the CTF homepage where you can begin participating in the CTF:

    Here, at the top of the screen, you can access and find various challenges, and categories. Underneath that, to the left, you can find your current ranking, then CTF activity, and then the CTF timer.

For information on beginning competition and solving challenges, please refer to the article titled How to Solve a Challenge in Cloud CTF.

Have a Question? Contact Support

If you experience any issues starting or viewing Cloud CTF in your web browser, please refer to the article titled Can't Launch Cloud CTF for helpful tips on resolving the matter.

If you still have questions after reviewing the information above, please reach out to your CTF Admin or Instructor who can submit a ticket to our Support Team on your behalf.